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ONUC (Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo) : What is it?

Organization des Nations Unies au Congo, abbreviation ONUC (Translation: The United Nations Operation in the Congo) was a United Nations peacekeeping force in Congo that was established after United Nations Security Council Resolution 143 of 14 July 1960. to June 1964, marked a milestone in the history of the United Nations peacekeeping in terms of the responsibilities it had to assume, the size of its area of operation and the manpower involved. It included, in addition to a peacekeeping force which comprised at its peak strength nearly 20,000 officers and men, an important Civilian Operations component. From 1963 the name changed to Opération des Nations Unies au Congo, keeping the same abbreviation. To generalise, the mission was a response to the Congo Crisis. ONUC was the UN's first peacekeeping mission with a significant military force, yet ONUC has been described as a "pyrrhic victory at best." Following Security Council actions, the United Nations Force in t

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